Research Reflection

During finding out, I found some websites which wasn’t Google. My main site was WorldBook. The first thing I did was research my issue which was deforestation. We talked about using primary and secondary source to get information. I first went for secondary sources which was basically the internet. I had to research my lines of inquiry which were loss of habitat, soil erosion and consequences of deforestation.

After all my note taking, I went to my first primary source: Mr Boden. He mostly talked about soil erosion and mono-cropping but didn’t know much about loss of habitat. I consumed quite a lot of interesting words like agriculture or deprive. Most of the words I didn’t know the meaning of so I looked them up on google dictionary.

After researching, we started sorting out our information. I had to gather and collect all my notes and sort them into my lines of inquiry. It made it easier to track information. Beside the notes, I wrote the definition of each phrase or word so I wouldn’t forget.

Then, we started going further which is getting extra research for our lines of inquiry if we need it. I needed to add more to ‘The consequences of deforestation’ because there was not much under the category. After every line of inquiry, I had quite a lot of information in all 3.

Reflection of my exhibition reflection

It is quite good isn’t it.

I created a reflection of my exhibition which explained what I did in the process to get to my present (as in the tense). This week, I researched and took notes and took quite a lot of notes. My main websites were and worldbook online.

I thought that was enough research as it covered most of my lines of inquiry. Now, I was working on my own most of the time. In my opinion, I think I could go independent quite well.


Lotus Diagram/Exhibition

My Lotus Diagram!!

During the exhibition, I created this Lotus Diagram where I wrote all my questions in the key concept that fitted it the question. As my topic is deforestation most of my questions were about the environment and its causes. I tried to come up with new questions out of my old questions and after that formed lines of inquiry. After I started writing on my exhibition planning about my lines of inquiry and cooked up a short central idea.

We were going to a planet far far away…

Today at school our teacher told we were going to another planet far away this week. Me and my friend started guessing which planet it was going to be. I thought it was Mars but my friend thought it was Jupiter. After the lunch bell had rang so we had to stop the discussion. When lunch was finished, our teacher told us that we were going to Nebula. I had totally forgotten about Nebula and was really excited about going there.

The next day, I packed almost all of my belongings in my gigantic bag. Then a gigantic spaceship came.

We were going to a planet far away…

Today at school our teacher told we were going to another planet far away this week. Me and my friend started guessing which planet it was going to be. I thought it was Mars but my friend thought it was Jupiter. After the lunch bell had rang so we had to stop the discussion. When lunch was finished, our teacher told us that we were going to Nebula. I had totally forgotten about Nebula and was really excited about going there.

The next day, I packed almost all of my belongings in my gigantic bag. Then a gigantic spaceship came.

I was so cross that

Ring ring!!!
School had just started, I was going towards my desk when Jack, the school’s bully, tripped me over. He sniggered at me like a lazy baboon on a tree. “Hey!’’ I shouted. Jack just kept reading his book like nothing had happened. “Good morning class,” greeted Ms Worksmen. “Good morning,” the class replied the class. “Today, we are going to create our own projects!”said Ms Worksmen. Everyone got into action by planning out their own project.
I was going to do chemistry. Then Jack ripped my plan, I was so cross that I kicked him and got detention.

It was the wrong colour

I was walking down the pavement ground, when something caught my eye. There was this amazing robot that you could buy in any colour. If I were to get one of the robots it would be blue. My birthday was just two days later so I will ask my dad to buy me one.

When I got home, my parents were making dinner. “Dad! Can you buy me one of the cool robots down the street?” I asked. “Sure. What colour do you want it to be?” he said back. “Green,” I replied.